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Spomenka Bizic, ND, SEP

Spomenka is a Naturopathic Doctor who trained and focused her practice in Somatic Experiencing (a type of trauma healing therapy).


Her passion for SE came from noticing that many of her patients were expressing illness and symptoms which were directly connected to the health of their nervous system (chiefly the mental, emotional patterns in the body).


Her unique approach is also in working with very early and developmental trauma (childhood), particularity birth imprints, women, ancestral and family healing, as well as supporting grief, transitions, body image, and exploring ones spiritual connection and questions.


Her deepest belief is in the body’s resilience to heal and thrive when given the right support, witnessing and care. She believes that the body is trying to complete or tell a story through its symptoms – and that our body has a blueprint, like nature, for healthy expression.


Her educational background includes a BA from the University of Toronto, Naturopathic Doctor at CCNM (Toronto), SEP graduated in Edinburgh, as well as having studied at the CREATE Institute for Expressive Arts Therapy (Toronto).


In her spare time she loves being in nature, meditation, spending time with loved ones, and hosting women’s circles.


Spomenka Bizic, ND, SEP


  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Grief

  • Attachment/relational issues

  • Body image/disordered eating 

  • Support life transitions/events

  • Birth imprints/trauma

  • Family constellations 

  • Inner-child and parts work 

  • Coping skills 

  • Trauma

About Me

In my spare time I love time in nature and music! My passion for SE comes from really discovering joy in being in the body and all the pleasures life has to offer when we feel safe, open and available to experience the beauty around us. It is my honour to support others in finding this also. 

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